Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No gadget day

So for a household of 2 (and 1/2) persons we have 2 smart phones, 1 iPAD, 1 android tab and 3 laptops (2 official) and most of these are on and running most of the time we are at home and connected to the internet.
So this obviously leads to one or all three of us using one or many of them almost all the time. Checking emails, facebook, playing games, stories or just adjusting settings to change the background !!!
Gadget addition is soon threatening to take over the Singh household. So we decided to make ONE day as gadget free day. Ofcourse we need to ensure that we take few steps to counter withdrawal issues and keep our body and mind stable !!! :-).
1. Hide all the gadgets away in a locked drawer and throw the key (okkk not throw, but hide the key).
2. Only keep phone for phone calls and messages.
3. Switch off wi-fi so that we are not tempted to be connected over the phone.
4. Plan your day so that we are spending some time playing. We have deviced games with Ananya from pillow fights to running races and hide n seek games. Lets play them all that day.
5. Resist temptations.
6. Go out for lunch at a fun place that doesnt have an iPAD as menu. (Have u seen those?? They are pretty cool... ok ok i am digressing)
7. Watch a good movie ( should tv be considered in the gadget ban..... ummmm... no).
8. Go swimming and hit the gym (when was the last time my running shoes saw light of day   sigh !!!!)
9. Brew a strong cup of tea in the afternoon and sit and enjoy a good conversation. How many times during the week do we even get to do this???
10. Resist temptations.
11. Go shopping (hehehe).

This list might look ordinary. One may think ... what? These guys dont do all of this now??? Yes we do, we spend play time with Ananya, watch tv, drink tea, go out. But i feel that we are constantly interrupted by our gadgets.
I check if my pictures have enough likes while drinking tea, suri wants to feed his cows on hayday or check if his team has sent him any emails, even Ananya takes a break by listening to a twinkle twinkle video.
We are ofcourse not at a point of no return, but there are times when you wonder.
I want to try this experiment soon... a NO gadget day. Maybe this saturday?
Its the attraction to the shiny screens and and well designed apps that do the trick. We are hooked. No time to think, reflect, converse. We rather send fb messages than pick up the phone and call. Whatsapp comes as a boon to keep in touch but how many telephonic conversations are we missing out.
I am by no means advocating that these are a bad influence. I love my gadgets and will continue to use them. But once in a while we need to take a break and breath in and relax. Too much of a good thing... :-)).

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic. I am keen to know how this goes - and how does a day look? I can not imagine. Hope camera does not qualify under gadgets - if you give me a camera - I can survive a day :)
