Friday, May 10, 2013


Ananya's visa finally came yesterday. Its official. We are moving in the next 2 weeks. The excitement is there, the anticipation of change is there, but along with that there is an uneasyness ... not for me or my husband but for my 2 and 1/2 year old baby.
Ananya has known one home (Thakur Village she calls it). She knows one set of people, one locality, one play gound, one set of friends, one school, one language and now we are asking her to change not one thing, but ALL.
She will have to call a new house her Home, she will have to get used to new people, new neighbors, new language, new accents, new faces and most of all a new school and new friends.
The word on the street is that she is at a perfect age where she can adapt easily to a new environment, she will learn a new language very quickly and make friends more easily. While I tend to agree to this not only because people are saying it, but because Ananya is a sweet, friendly and adjusting child, I am still fearful of the first step in this journey of change.
While i know in my heart that she will copy beautifully, i still want the transition to be smooth for her. She will miss her first home and all the people that she has come to know here. She will ask to "go home" almost everyday before bed. She will ask for her friends and wonder why they no longer come to play with her. She will miss her grandmothers parathans in the morning.
But she will also adjust to her new surroundings and learn to appreciate her new school and friends.
We are hoping that this move is the best move - for her and for us as a family.
We are hoping that my baby loves her new change !